Monday, January 14, 2008

Reading to Children

The recently released report, "Reading Across the Nation" (USA), noted that just "under half of the parents surveyed said they or other family members read every day to their children, from newborns to five year olds..........."

In terms of percentage of families that read to their children the state rankings included:

HIGHEST - Vermont at 67%

LOWEST - Mississippi at 38%

Source: McClatchy Newspapers

For limited government activists like me these statistics represent the primary problem we have in the USA -- parents who do not take action on their own for the benefit of their children thus "inspiring" politicians to offer "assistance and solutions..."

I just have to pose this primary question -- if the families in Mississippi want to ignore their children's' education/development why should a resident of Minnesota like me have to pay for some "Head Start reading is fundamental" program that simply takes money out of my pocket that I could better spend on my own children?


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