Thursday, February 22, 2007

Look Mommy - there is going to be a fire

Earlier this month a local school district (Lakeville, Minnesota) debated whether or not to remove Mark Twain's "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" from a classroom's reading list due to a complaint filed by a parent (I wonder if he has ever read the book). I blogged on this controversy at the time but was reminded of it this week via an article on the national "Big Read" project.

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch published a list of events this week focused on Ray Bradbury's classic book that highlights the dangers of book burning/banning -- "Fahrenheit 451" -- which of course is the temperature at which paper burns in case you need to know for a Trivial Pursuit match :-) The planned events include:

  • A group of 12 "poets and artisans" will present a recitation of the book at a local cafe
  • A Washington University instructor will lead a discussion of the book and censorship issues
  • A "poetry slam" focused on the book's themes will be conducted (
  • The St. Louis Shakespeare Company will present a staged reading of the book

If anyone wants to get ideas for your own activities you can reach the St. Louis, Missouri organizers at: 314.935.4407

Read don't burn,


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