Thursday, May 10, 2007


Sadly it appears the skin head culture of hate still exists in Germany as evidenced by this recent news story from Pretzien (near Magdeburg), Germany. The story goes that seven men with the neo-nazi organization, "East Elbe Homeland Federation", burned a copy of The Diary of Anne Frank on a bonfire while they chanted, "German youth, German blood............" If convicted the men would face prison terms of up to 5 years.

In a show of complete stupidity one of the men defended his book burning by claiming it was a symbolic gesture "to rid himself of this bad chapter of German history..........." Using this line of logic would it then be okay for me to burn copies of "My Life" and "Living History" (or is that "Herstory"?) :-) by Bill and Hillary Clinton "to rid myself of the memory of their 8 years in the White House" ?

No, of course not, it would be far better for me to educate myself about these two people so I can help keep Hillary out of the White House in 2009.

Read to learn not burn,


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