Thursday, December 20, 2007

Catching Spears

Lynne Spears is the mother of two famous daughters -- singer Britney Spears and actress Jamie Lynn Spears of "Zoey 101" on Nickelodeon - who unfortunately we hear about much too often these days. This is detrimental to not only my mental state but also their well being since they need to get away from the media spotlight so they can normalize their lives.

With the recent disclosure that Jamie Lynn (age 16) is pregnant with her 18 year old boyfriend's child, the Christian book publisher, Thomas Nelson, Inc. who was set to publish Lynne Spears' "book about parenting" has postponed their plans. Ms. Spears' book is entitled -- "Pop Culture Mom: A Real Story of Fame and Family in a Tabloid World."

No one should ever label me a "book burner" but I must be honest when I say that I am overjoyed to hear that this book will not be published anytime soon. The Spears family should take care of their personal challenges first before dispensing parenting advice to the rest of us.

Your 15 minutes of fame are over (I hope!),


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