Thursday, February 21, 2008

Baby Boys

Having delayed parenthood for decades I am now the father of a handsome baby boy!!

So I am in search of recommendations from readers for great books to read to baby boys. He is a new born so "The Dangerous Books for Boys" is too advanced for him of course so suggestions are welcome. One college buddy of mine suggested the following books for me to read so I will pursue thinking these might be good books to hand down to our son:

Dobson's "Bringing Up Boys"


Robert Lewis' "Raising a Modern Day Knight"

Thanks for your suggestions,



Jeff Deitering said...

You can't go wrong with "Go, Dog, Go." Especially the way you drive.

Todd said...

Yes -- I have read "Go, Dog, Go" to the daughter several times so no doubt it will re-surface for the man-child!!

PS -- I drive sanely, it is the crazies that surround me who cause traffic problems.

Anonymous said...

For my money, the best book to have around when raising children is Slovenly Peter. Check it out - it will give them all the proper nightmares.