Monday, February 4, 2008

Leave Us Alone

This weekend I just finished reading a manuscript copy of Grover Norquist's new book -- "Leave Us Alone" -- which is to be published in late March 2008 I am told. Mr. Norquist is president of Americans For Tax Reform,, based in Washington DC.

The book's title speaks for itself -- we want the government to leave our guns, our money, our families, and our basic freedoms alone (my wording) -- but you have to wonder how many public schools are going to stock this book in their student libraries don't you?

For me the best part of the book was the explanation of the need for a flat tax as the means to end the current class warfare that politicians create to pit different economic classes/taxpayers against each other. If we were all paying the same income tax rate THEN we would have some transparency in terms of government spending.

Buy a copy of this book then give your copy to a friend to help spread the word if you can,


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