Thursday, September 27, 2007

Book Club Survey

If any of my readers are or have been a member of a "book club" may I ask you to please complete the following survey so I can gather some field intelligence for a future posting on this subject?


1.) How many members typically attend your gathering?

2.) Does your book club have a "theme/subject" that guides your selection of books?

3.) If your club does have a theme/subject what is it? ______________

4.) How long has your book club been meeting together?

5.) Does your book club tend to be dominated by one or two members or is the conversation very free flowing?

6.) What is the average age of your book club membership?

7.) Which book have your club's members enjoyed the most from your perspective?

8.) Is there a certain book that was so bad you would encourage other clubs to avoid reading?

9.) Is your club membership increasing or decreasing in size?

10.) In what setting does your club meet -- home, library, university, other?

Thanks for your assistance with this basic research,


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